Saturday, July 1, 2017

What does it mean to "self-invest"?

Picture this. You wake up in the morning. You don't have time for breakfast, because you slept in. You barely have enough time to get ready and make yourself look decent before heading to work/class. Afterwards, you have to be at a meeting so you stop off and get fast food. By the time you get back home you're so exhausted from your day that you decide to stay up late watching Netflix and eating junk food to unwind. 

We all have those days, but if this feels like your daily routine, then you're probably not taking enough time to self-invest. 

But what does that mean?

Many people hear the word "invest" and stocks and bonds come to mind. Some people may even compare the term to buying something really expensive that'll last a long time. Most people relate the term "investment" to spending your money, however you can also choose to invest in your time, which can be far more beneficial. 

In the above example, the person is spending all their time either working or relaxing, while taking no care for their well-being. Say you own a car, and you drive this car daily to get to and from places. If you were to drive the car tens of thousands of miles without rotating the tires or changing the oil, eventually the car will break down or at least won't be as effective. Treat yourself the same way. If you run yourself ragged every day trying to do too much without investing time for yourself, your overall performance at work will actually decline, and you'll end up working much harder than you need to.

I know on days when I'm scrambling around trying to get a bunch of things done, such as during final exam week, Im hardly taking care of myself, which kills my performance and I usually end up getting sick. Other times, when I'm investing in myself (i.e. Eating healthy, working out, getting enough sleep, etc.) I have 10x more confidence and energy which helps me attack the challenges of the day.

We all have busy schedules, and seemingly can't make much time to take care of ourselves. But I'll tell you this. The more time you invest in yourself each day, the more productive you will be while at work. This means you'll spend less total time working, but get just as much done, if not more. Take the time to invest in yourself. Even if you're just getting started. What are a few things you can start doing each day to invest in yourself? Even if it's just a few minutes. It worth YOUR time.

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