Monday, July 17, 2017

Ray Lewis Review: Deck of Cards

This video had a very accurate title, but saying it gave me goosebumps would be an understatement. This about brought me to tears, envisioning how Ray Lewis had to grow up with his step dad physically abusing his mom. I can't even imagine the pain and suffering he went through. But I also admire the way he handled it. Doing push-ups and sit-ups in the garage every day just to get stronger. This man is a legend, and every single one of us can learn something great from him.

I personally was lucky enough to have both parents in a stable home while growing up, while people like Ray had situations like this. The dude was only ten years old, and he had no choice but to become a man. 

Nobody was there to help him during his struggles.

Nobody was there to encourage him during hard times.

Nobody was there to congratulate him on his success.

But he made it happen.

I think I've figured out that adversity is what makes us stronger, or rather puts our limits to the test. The reason for this, is that when you are given a choice between your comfortable life, or a life of high-acheiving success, everyone would choose the more successful life. The issue is that there is not desperate need to be uber-successful, because the other option is a comfortable life, without any hard work or risk-taking necessary. In Ray Lewis' case, the complete opposite was true. His only other option was a life where he livd in a garage, and his mother was beaten on a daily basis. He literally had no choice but to become who he is today.

Consider the following scenario:

First, lets assume you're taking a class. Your professor says that the first exam is worth only 5% of your overall grade. How hard are you actually going to study for this test? You might not even look at the material given the circumstances. 

Now, let's say the night before the exam, you receive a all from an unknown number. A man answers the phone and tells you he will kill you unless you get an A on the test. Now the stakes have been significantly raised! Now there's a good chance you on't sleep at all that night since you'll be studying up until the very moment that test begins.

Obviously that is a very extreme (hopefully fictional) scenario, but I hope you get the picture. When you are forced into a position where you have no choice but to succeed, then you WILL find a way. Ray Lewis' story in't unique. Several high-acheivers had rough childhoods, or had to overcome extreme adversity to get where they are. Abraham Lincoln grew up in a small house in Kentucky with an abusive father. LeBron James grew up with no father-figure, and a sixteen-year-old mother. See the trend?

Unfortunately for some of us, we never experienced that kind of adversity. I grew up in a middl-class table home whee I was always encouraged and loved. I never experienced any real sturggles until I went to college. If you'e in a similar scenario, the best thing you can do is chase the difficulties and challenges. Force ourself into uncomfortable and painful situations where you're given no choice but to succeed. 

And then you will.

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