Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Eclipse Your Fears

Yesterday, August 21 2017, the entirety of North America was treated to a solar eclipse. This event was so significant because it probably won't happen again in our lifetime. Hopefully everyone wore eclipse glasses, and nobody had any significant eye damage from looking at it. I myself took a break from work to check it out (with glasses of course). 

But during the moment that the moon covered the sun and created near-darkness that afternoon, something else occurred to me. Other than the fact that it looked cool, the eclipse also served as a symbol for success. The moon completely blocked out the sun's light for a few minutes. The sun is about 400 times the size of the moon, yet for just a few minutes, the moon was able to cover up the sun. Something so small in comparison to the sun was able to block it out entirely. 

Obviously the scientific reason for this phenomenon is that the moon is 400 times closer to Earth, making it appear bigger. However I still like the metaphor of something small being able to do something significant. Many of us are similar to the Moon, because we seem much smaller and less significant than the Sun. The Sun is more of a representation of those who are super-successful, well-liked and get a lot of attention of everything. Yet, the real reason we must continue to chase success is for those few minutes where we'll make a difference in the world. Unlike the moon however, most people won't make a change in the world, because they're afraid. They're afraid of failing. They're afraid of judgement. And they're afraid of working too hard. And most of all, they're afraid of the uncertainty.

But if you choose to eclipse your fears, and take your life to the next level, then just like the moon, you will eventually overpower those with the "natural talent". And it won't be just for a few minutes. Once you reach your true goals in life, you will feel a sense of euphoria that most others won't. You deserve to know what your life will be like when you work restlessly towards your goals. You deserve to live your dreams. But remember, you don't get what you want, you get what you work for. 

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