Monday, July 10, 2017

Tony Robbins Review: 6 Human Needs

Tony Robbins is one of the most influential motivational speakers of this generation. This man has spent his entire adult life working with people, including celebrities and billionaires, helping them find fulfillment in life. In today's video, Robbins talks about the six basic human needs. This particular video is one of many where he covers this concept. Understanding how you tend to meet these needs is the key to understanding a simple, yet difficult to answer question. 

Why are you the way that you are?

All humans have six basic needs that must be met. I'm not talking about food, water and shelter, but about the six psychological factors that all people need for a happy, successful life. We all find our own individual ways to meet these needs in our lives, but this is the core of human behavior. These needs can motivate people to become very successful, very lazy, or even commit crimes. While we all have the same general needs, we all find different ways to meet them, good or bad. All actions and decisions reflect the desire to meet these needs.

The first four are: 
  • Certainty
  • Uncertainty
  • Significance
  • Love/Connection

These needs are absolute, meaning that no matter who you are or what situation you're in, you WILL find a way to achieve all of these in some way. Robbins claims that "God had a sense of humor" when referring to our need for both certainty and uncertainty, but it's very true. We may find certainty in getting a job with stable pay, and find uncertainty by going on a road trip. We may find significance by starting a business, and find love/connection through marriage, dating, or even being part of a social group.

He also explains that these needs can be met in a negative or disempowering way. We may find certainty through bossing people around or significance through physical violence. Violence, especially through the use of guns, meets all four of these needs. It's extremely negative and dangerous, but this is the reason why people "act irrationally". There's always a rational reason behind these actions, and it's to meet that person's needs. You need to figure out how you meet these first four needs, and if it's in an empowering or disempowering way. 

The final two needs are not absolute, but they are necessary to experience true fulfillment in life. They are:

  • Growth 
  • Contribution

Improving and giving. As I mentioned in my previous post, the best think you can do for yourself is invest in yourself and then give to others. That's the last two needs right there! If you really want to get the most out of life, you need to find a way (or ways) to grow, develop, and then contribute your worth to society. These final needs should be the basis you use to set goals in life, and hey should make up your core values. We often sacrifice our values to meet our needs. That can have negative consequences in the long run.

The first four needs will be met regardless, while the last two must be actively sought out. As Robbins says "if you're not growing, you're dying." You need to set goals and work to achieve them. When you're inside your comfort zone, you have no desire to acheive something. This eventually leads to boredom, or depression. Progress is power, and sometimes you need to actively seek adventure and adversity if you truly want to grow and eventually contribute. Today, I want you to do two things:

  1. Watch Tony Robbins' video (link at the top).
  2. Take a few moments and write down all six needs, and how you tend to meet them on a daily basis.
  3. Figure out if you'e meeting these needs in a way that is positive or negative. Then replace the negative with positive activities.
Have a great Monday everyone, and let's make this week great!


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